Thursday, February 23, 2012

SAP (Unit 2)

NavigationLesson : logging on and personalizing your interface 

The SAP GUI is the standard program for accesing almost all SAP solutions and program connects the front-end computer with a specific SAP system.

Log on Process

Before you log on the first time  your system adm wiil give you an initial password, during the process you should enter a new password one that ypu alone will know after that use yur own password whenever you log on.
1.       continue with this logon and end any other logons of this user in the system.
2.       continue with this logon whithout ending any other logons in the system.
3.        termnate this logon.

Log on SAP
·         Using multiple logons
·         Using multiple sessions

Multiple Logons
continue with this logon and end any other logons of this user system.

Methods for personalizing the user interface
Some of the many things you can do are :
·         change the layout of the SAP easy access screen
·         track your input history to provide input help
·         display status messages in a pop-up window instead of the status bar
·         set preferences for how data displays
·         adjust the color and behavior of the screens and fields

Navigation Lesson: Navigating in the SAP system

SAP easy access screen
The SAP Easy screen is default initial screen in SAP System. The left side of the screen contains a tree hierarchy of the menus available to you in the SAP system; you can use the right side of the screen to display your company logo.

Navigation options:
·         Transaction code
·         Menus
·         Favorites or user menus

SAP standard menu & role based user menus
SAP standar menu is a complete list of all possible transaction and reports offered by the system. Role based menus are collections of activities used in business scenarios.
Standard menus on SAP screen
·         Favorites
·         Status bar
Status bar provides general information on the SAP system and transaction or task on which you are working.

Menu bar, is the top line of any primary window in the SAP system
Standard tool bar, are shown on every SAP screen. If certainbuttons are not available in an application, the buttons that you cannot use are deactivated.
Title bar, the title bar names the function that you are currently using.
Apllication tool bar, the application toolbar shows the buttons available in the application that you are currently using.
Comman field, you can start applications directly by entering their transaction code in the commod field.
Status bar, the status bar displays information on the current system status, such as warnings and errors.
Check boxes, checkboxes allow you to select several options from a group of fields.
Radio buttons, with radio buttons ,you can only select one option.
Tab, a tab allow you to organize several screen areas to improve clarity and organization of data.
Transaction code, every transaction or function in the system has a transaction code. You can enter the transaction code in the command field to initiate the transaction.
Menus, menus allow you to find a specific transaction when you choose a menu item, further options appear.
Favorite or user menu, allow you to navigate directly to transactions, functions, and reports that you use frequently.

T Code: /n, /nxxxx/, /o, /oxxxx, /nend, /nex, /i, su3, sm04, /nsm04

Cancels the current transaction
Initiates the specified transaction directly from another transaction
Displays an overview of sessions
Initiates the specified transaction in a new session
Ends the logon session with a confirmation pop-up window
Ends the logon session without a confirmation pop-up window
Deletes your current session
Initiates the screen for maintaining your own user settings
Does not initiate a transaction.  A transaction can only be started directly from the SAP Easy Access unless you use a prefix
Initiates yhe user overview successfully./n first ends the active transaction and then initiates yhe specified transaction.

Role based user menus
Role based user menus are collections of activities used in business scenarios. User can access transactions, reports, or Web-based applications through their role-based menus.
Favorites list containing:
·         Transaction
·         Links to files
·         Internet addresses
Status bar
status bar contains three fields, one with server information and two with status information.

Navigation Lesson : Using Help
Help Features
The SAP system provides comprehensive online help. You can display the help from any screen in the system.

Field Help
Use F1 for help on fields, menus, functions and message. F1 help also provides technical information on the relevant fields, including for example the parameter ID, which you can use to assign values to the field for your user.

Online help
·         Help Features
·         SAP library
Application help : displays comprehensive help for the current application. selecting this menu option in the initial screen displays help on getting started with SAP
SAP library : all online documentation can be found here
Glossary : you can search for definitions of terms in the glossary
Release notes : this displays notes that describe functional changes that occur between SAP system release
SAPnet : this enables you to log on to SAPnet
Feedback : enables you to send a message to the SAPnet front end, the SAP service system
Setting : enable you to select setting for help
F1 : use F1 help on field , menus, fucntion, and massage. F1 help also provides technical information an the relevant field, icluding, for example, the parameter ID which you can use to assing values to field for your user
F4 : use F4 for information about what values can be entered, you can access F4 help for sellected field using the button immediately to the right of that field, if input field are marked with a smal check mark icon, then you can only continue in that application by entering a primitted value

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