SAP’s Company History
1972 : five former IBM employees - Hasso Plattner, Dietmar Hopp, Claus Wellenreuther, Klaus Tschira, and Hans Werner Hektor – launch a company called SAP (System Analysis and Program Development). Their vision: to develop standard application software for real time business processing.
1973 :the first financial accounting software is completed, the RF system. This forms the basis for the continous development of other software components in what came to be known as the R/I system.
1974 : SAP demonstrates is flexibility for the first time. Within eight weeks, the RF system is converted from DOS to OS. There are already 40 companies on the reference list.
1976 : SAP GmbH , Anwendungen and Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung ( Systems, Applications, and Products in Dtaa Processing) is set up as an auxiliary sales and marketing firm. SAP now has 25 employees and turnover of DM 3081 million.
1977 : the company headquarters moves from Weinheim to Walldorf. For the first time, SAP installs its system at customer sites outside Germany; two Austrian companies decide ro implement SAP software.
1979 : SAP starts to use its first own server, a Siemens 7738. Previously, SAP employees carried out all development in the data centers of regional companies, such as ICI, Thermal, Knoll, Grunzwieg + Hartmann, and Freudenberg.
1980 : SAP moves into the company’s first building on Max-Planck-Strasse in Walldorf’s industrial park. The software development area and its 50 computers are now finally under one roof.
1982 : SAP celebrates its 10th birthday. Its offices are already too small and the first building extension is built in record time. Over 250 companies in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland work with SAP software. Revenue reaches approximately DM 24 million, and the company has 100 employees.
1984 : SAP taken on 48 new employees. This increase in personel resources is brought about in particular by the further development of SAP modules (RK, PPS, and RP)
1986 : SAP founds its first country subsidiary in Austria. It also opens its first branch officein Rtaingen, bear Dusseldof, Germany. SAP increases its capital stock from DM 500,000 to DM 5,000,000.
1990 : SAP stock reaches DM 85 million following the issue of preference shares. The increased funds are used to finance increasing investment. DM 110 million uniform appearance of graphical interfaces, consistent use of relational databases, and the ability to run on computers from different providers.
1995 : SAP in Germany increases its sales activities targeted at midsize companies by collaborating with system resellers. The American company Burger King, Inc. is the 100th Human Resources customer.
2000 : 10 million users, 36,000 installations, 1,000 partners and 22 industry solutions: SAP is the leading global provider of e-business software s olutions that itegrated processes wthinin and beyond company boundaries.
2003 : An era ends. Hasso Plattner, the last of the founders of SAP , leaves the board of directors and is elected head of the supervisory board. Last January, SAP announces the solutions concept behind mySAP Business Suite.
2004 : enterprise Services Architecture delivers the first version of SAP NETWeaver 04. The resonance from the integration and application platform is overhelming. By the end of 2004 the new product has more than 1000 customers. In total, more than 24,000 customers in over 120 countries run 84,000 installations of SAP Software.
SAP’s EmployeesSAP’s distinctive atmosphere hits you in the moment you arrive. Applicants that visit SAP for the first time soon see why the company is so popular. The people here are relaxed and friendly, and the energy in the corridors makes you feel that you have entered a university campus.
An exemplary corporate culture
New employees are introducted to the SAP world through special orientation events, trainee programs, and a mentoring concept that ensures each employeehas partical guidance during this time.
Achievement orientation, creativity and innovation
The SAP culture offers a large amount of personel freedom. This freedom mptivates and inspires employees to develop and realize their ideas. Creative &innovative concepts are always welcome within the team and new ideas are supported.
Training through personal development
SAP employees know they need to be able to react flexibly to changes, and their knowledge always has to be up to date. Personal initiative is therefore taken for granted, as is acting responsibly as a representative of the company.
SAP’s Customers
· Siemens
· Sony
· Bosch
· Daimler Chrysler
· Colgate-Palmolive
· Burger King
Social engagement
As the leading global provider of enterprise software, SAP has a responsibility to ensure that iss business processes are smooth and transparent. However, SAP doesn’t just have responsilities to its customers and partners, buat also to society in general.
Corporate citizenship
SAP would like to play its part in the creation of a productive and transpatrent environment that is of benefit to everyone. SAP promotes partnerships and cooperation with all social organizations that also respect this goal, and is actively ngaged in social, scientific, and cultural activities.
Regional engagement
“Promote development – Seize future opportunities through innovation.” Under this motto, SAP supports organizations and institutes in the local area of its branch offices.
Government relations
SAP therefore supports national and international programs that are customer-friendly, fair, reliable, and based on a market economy.
Sport sponsorship
Speed, precision, and tangible results are reasons behind SAP’s global leadership as a provider of enterprise software. Therefore, SAP supports competitive sporting events and the desire to be the best in agivem discipline.
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